Order at 0888234511 or by email


In general, water mist systems are easy to assemble, just like building a Lego.. All parts are on quick connection and this allows them to be easily combined and installed according to the object. In two words: anyone could assemble it himself :)

But...if you don't have time...< /p>

never mind...

you know Ginka...

or you find it complex, requiring a combination of pumps, controllers, etc.

then... you can contact us :)

phone:+359888 234511

email: info@vodna- mygla.com

We carry out inspections, installations and additional support.

If you wish, you can call us or write an email with a photo of your:

  • terrace.. gazebo.. pool.. mansion.. castle
  • garden.. greenhouse.. mushroom farm..
  • establishment.. restaurant.. bar.. 
  • factory.. workshop.. tractor for spraying crops ;)
  • caravan, camper :) with which you "jit" to and fro in the summer... the summer!?!



yee... (where have we come... Ah yes!) ...- and we will prepare an offer for the system.

Our systems are used for more than just cooling on hot summer days... so don't worry about you ask, even if your idea seems a little unusual to you.. In fact, one out of every three inquiries is unusual, so... in our work, it's all normal :) Which, once again, shows that apparently we Bulgarians are quite creative and imaginative in terms of the functionality of such systems..

In the meantime, we'll note that Water Mist systems are also suitable for machine cooling, lifting and humidity control indoors, fine spraying of solutions, removal of dust particles in industrial plants, etc. 

We will show you a standard assembly diagram:

phone: +359888 234511

email: info@vodna- mygla.com

Water Mist / Fog Enterprice

is a direct importer of professional water mist cooling nozzles